Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Entry

Thinking about Tommy Bolin and Rory Gallagher yesterday. Saw them both in a single night, Atlanta, Ga., 1976. OK, this blog is titled Greetings from 1975 but the point of the title is that is the year from which a lot of this memory stuff pivots. I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would want to read any of this but maybe it'll help me write my book. And if you steal any bit of this I will hunt you down.

Tommy Bolin was a pretty cool looking dude, and even though he would be gone within the year, he looked every bit his 25-year-old rock star, guitar-kickin' self that night. I think Purple (with whom he was playing in Blackmore's stead) were on the weak side -- I cannot believe "Come Taste the Band" was reissued, but was it because of Tommy's presence; couldn't have been Coverdale's, eh? Anyhoo, he was on my side of the stage, a very young man but lookin' like a rock God. I remember a lot else but you'll have to read further to get it. Links below to both; I didn't realize Tommy was from Sioux City or that he was of Syrian descent.



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